Raman Spectrometer

HES 2000 spectrometer with Raman Probe


A stand-off Raman probe coupled with a HES2000 spectrometer provides the ideal solution for making real time observations in hazardous environments.

Ideally suited for mounting to a UGV or robotic manipulator for remote sensing tasks. For example, these probes are currently being used to aid in the decommissioning of gloveboxes. Can also be combined with a 3D camera as part of an inspection package – see video below.

The HES2000 spectrometer is a Static Fourier Transform spectrometer providing high étendue measurements.  Étendue is commonly referred to as throughput of a spectrometer.  It is a measure of the ability of a spectrometer to capture and utilise individual photons from a particular area of a target or field of view.

The specifications given below are for the standard HES2000, but the unit is highly customizable.

For details of the Raman probe see https://is-instruments.com/raman-probe/


Model  HES2000 
Operating range  < 200 – 2300 cm-1 
Resolution*  ~ 3 cm-1 over whole range per Fourier bin  

(To resolve two lines 3 bins are required)   

Fibre coupled  SMA or FC/PC 
Fibre aperture  ≥1 mm as standard 
Fibre NA  0.22 
Detector  Andor iVac 

*Unlike most other systems the HES spectrometers are linear in wavenumber space, meaning you won’t lose resolution as you move away from the starting wavelength. Unlike conventional spectrometers there is no slit required so no blurring is observed. 

Kit contents

  • HES 2000 spectrometer
  • 785 nm 500 mW fibre coupled laser
  • 1 m Focal length Raman probe with mounted clean up filters
  • Optional I3D Titania 3D camera

Required skills & qualifications

  • Proof of radiation safety training and X-ray safety training
  • Written approval from your radiation safety officer
  • Proven experience with similar equipment (signed off by supervisor)
  • Full liability insurance

Additional considerations

  • User will need to provide a completed radiation risk assessment
  • User must not be pregnant/breastfeeding while using this equipment
  • Equipment must be used in controlled lab/area
  • Only to be used by people named in hire agreement
  • Needs secure storage when not in use
  • Further training and support can be provided upon request

Daily hire cost inc. VAT


*Cost will vary dependent on duration of hire and support required

**There is 1 available at RACE


Raman Spectrometer is available at the following facilities:

  • RACE, Remote Applications in Challenging Environments
    On Site Use & Delivery Available